Sailing and canoeing on the River Thames in Kingston

The State of the River!

A talk at Minima Yacht Club on Wednesday 26th March by Councillor James Manthel and Laura Nee of the Thames Landscape Strategy. Kingston Councillor James Manthel is coming to Minima Yacht Club to tell us about his latest initiative Mayors For a Drinkable Thames which he launched last autumn with a meeting of six Thames mayors and local organisations.

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Set overlooking the Thames in the middle of Kingston, Minima offers a friendly welcome to all sailors, canoeists and kayakers.

Click on the titles below to find out more about Minima.

We sail on Wednesday and Saturday evenings during the summer and Sunday afternoons from March to December.

Dinghy classes sailed at the club are Enterprise, Solo, Merlin Rocket and Laser with other dinghies sailing in a small handicap fleet, and we also have general handicap and pursuit races in our calendar.  Race results are published online.

Some of our members learned to sail at Minima and we run a training course each year for new members of (almost) all ages. The club has boats suitable for learning but you will soon be joining in the racing.

We canoe (and kayak) on the Thames and also run ‘expeditions’ on summer weekends with Chichester Harbour and higher reaches of the Thames being popular destinations.

We have a fleet of boats which are suitable for new members to learn to paddle, but most of our members own their own boats which are stored in our boat park.

We have an active social programme with a variety of events throughout the year ranging from our traditional Regatta to Burns Night Supper.

Members can sit on our wide balcony overlooking the River Thames in the middle of Kingston and enjoy a drink from our licensed members bar.

We are a Community Amateur Sports Club and membership is open to all. Everything we do at Minima is run by our members, and all members are expected to volunteer for duties which may be piloting one of the club launches or wielding a paint brush.

What's on at Minima…