Next Sunday, the 16th of March, all Minima members are asked to come to the club at 2pm for a working party. Come to either the Club House or the dinghy park, there are a number of tasks in each to help with and we will be ferrying across as necessary. Members with canoes, kayaks or paddleboards stored at the club will want to be involved with the reorganization of storage for these boats.
The existing racking has been dismantled, rebuilt and extended and we now have sufficient storage for all boats to be allocated a suitable space on the racks, and we will now require all boats stored at Minima to have a tag attached for identification.
The plan for paddlesport members on Sunday 16th March is as follows:
- Remove all single kayaks (except the longer boats stored on the rack with the canoes) and paddleboards from their temporary locations and place on the ground.
- Boats that are not currently paid for are to be identified to be dealt with according to Club policy.
- Owners will fix the provided tags to their boats with zip ties and replace on the rack in the berth allocated for them. Erica Bishop will be the berth master for the day and will take access requirements into account when allocating berths (being short in stature herself she has sympathy with this issue).
- If desired, owners may us a lock that they provide to secure their boat only to the cables running along the racks, not to the racks themselves. From time to time it may be necessary to remove boats from the racks for maintenance or repair; in future any lock secured to the structure of the racks will be cut without notice to enable this. Note that any locks used to secure boats to the old racks are still attached to the respective boat, the racking having been dismantled.
- Once the single kayaks have been dealt with, the process will be repeated for the canoes and larger kayaks.
There is no need for sailors to miss out on the fun, there are a number of tasks to get the Club ready for the season which will be allocated on the day. Most of these will involve getting dirty so wear old clothing and appropriate gloves if you have them.
The stick: Minima is an inclusive club run by its members, for its members. Club Rule 30.1 requires all full members to assist with the tasks required to keep the Club running smoothly; if you are unable to attend please let us know by email to the Sailing Secretary
The carrot: tea and cake will be provided at 5pm for all those taking part, and following this we will retire to the bar. There will also be the opportunity to see Minima XII, our new electric powered patrol boat, in action.